OW2con'24 Best Project Awards

The OW2 Best Project Awards recognize and reward "best of breed" projects and successful implementations of OW2 technologies.  

The OW2con Awards are open to all OW2 projects. It is a unique opportunity for OW2 members to showcase their projects and to benefit from enhanced recognition in the OW2 community in one of the three categories: Community, Market, Technology.

How to submit to OW2con'24 Award Contest?

Please read the following recommendations before submitting your project. 

  • Please submit online by clicking on the button below, it is the only way to take part in the contest. 
  • Each entry must be separate - If you are entering three different categories, please fill in three separate forms. Word count for each entry is limited to 600 words.
  • Please note that the quality of your entry (reference users, general information, technical details, etc.) has a bearing on the outcome of each category. 
  • You are encouraged to be as transparent as possible. Please avoid quick cut-and-paste jobs from the company or project website.
     Award Submission is Closed

OW2con'24 Award Contest Timeline

  • Deadline to register: Mai 7th, 2024 
  • Award ceremony: June 12th, 2024 in Paris