OW2con'22 Online Program

 Opening and closing


 Responsible open source software governance

 FLOSS European ecosystem matters

 Beyond OW2

 OW2 project spotlight

 Success stories

 Quick apps

 Guest talk

 Research and invited projects

OW2con main virtual room

Wednesday, 08




Pierre-Yves Gibello, Cedric Thomas

OW2 is 15 years old, and things are moving: OW2's new CEO, Pierre-Yves Gibello, shares this session with Cédric Thomas, the CEO who started OW2 from scratch, to open OW2Con'22. What's next?

Pierre-Yves Gibello


Cedric Thomas





Julien Mathis

Starting a new open source project is the easy part. Building a skilled community to strengthen the project while making it a professionally adopted, industry-grade open source software is much more challenging. It requires a sustainable business model that balances the spirit of open source with economic realities. And what works in the early years of a project doesn’t necessarily work forever: finding the right balance is a never-ending journey. Let’s try and understand what works, what doesn’t.

Julien Mathis


Julien Mathis is Co-Founder and CEO of Centreon, leading global strategy and expanding markets throughout Europe and international regions. Previously, Julien served as Chief Technology Officer for Centreon, responsible for research and development. As CTO, Julien was instrumental in expanding the company’s Open Source software offering a commercialized, business-aware IT monitoring platform for customers with distributed IT operations and converging infrastructures. As a Co-Founder of Centreon, Julien has been hands-on in leading product development strategies. Prior to this, Julien served as an IT consultant, web developer and system administrator with the French Banking Federation. Julien holds a Master’s degree in computer science from EPITECH, the European Institute of Technology.




Fabien Vallon

It is a common strategy to start an open source solution without external contribution and governance. But at one point, your ecosystem will need an open governance in order to invest in the project and contribute. Then, where do you start? Strategic governance, technical governance, road-map, legal compliance, intellectual property and business model are hot topics to address. In this presentation, we will see together how to track the work to be done, and start the opening process to have a clear separation between the company and the open source project.

Fabien Vallon


Fabien Vallon is Open Source Lead Product Manager. In his role, Fabien is in charge of product strategy, roadmap and development follow-up for PrestaShop, an open source e-commerce solution, leader in Europe and Latin America. Fabien has been able to evolve in open environments and companies of all sizes, such as Alcove, Devoteam or Genymobile, with an appetite for open source, an end-to-end product vision and an ability to evolve with all business lines.




Miguel Montesinos


Miguel Montesinos


Miguel Montesinos is a computer science engineer with a Masters Degree in Game Development.  After 10 years running his own game studio he joined Huawei and for the last two years he has been the Gaming Technical Leader, helping game developers reach new players publishing their games in AppsGallery.




Gerardo Lisboa

Portugal is proud to be at the forefront of progress and adoption of the latest technological advantages, but in relation to Open Source, after a late start, it is now starting to create new business opportunities.

ESOP - the Open Source Business Alliance for Portugal, has worked with the business community and the Portuguese Government since its creation in 2007, to create a dynamic market where Open Source technologies are well accepted and compete in equal terms.

In this talk I'll explain some of the opportunities and challenges a newcomer to the Portuguese market might expect.

Gerardo Lisboa


Programming since 0.000048 GB of RAM was an industry standard. Using Linux since version 0.99 pl13.

Information Logistics Strategist. Data Integration and Orchestration Consultant.



☕ Morning break




Jan Ainali, Eric Herman

This talk shows how the Standard for Public Code can help you collaborate with public organizations all across the world.

Jan Ainali


Jan is a codebase steward at the Foundation for Public Code. He has been a policy advisor on digital issues in the European Parliament for a green MEP, mainly working on the copyright directive. Before that, he ran a consultancy called Open by Default, which helped public organizations use open licenses to publish open data and make open source software. Previously he was the CEO of Wikimedia Sverige after co-founding the chapter and being its chairman.

Eric Herman





Ludovic Dubost

Digital Sovereignty is a tough subject for the Collaboration software industry, which is heavily dominated by the large US cloud providers Microsoft & Google. This talk will address the importance for Europe to not give up this space, the challenges that lay ahead, the pitfalls we should avoid, the success that do exist, how Open Source matters to allow the industry to work better together to really challenge the status quo.

Ludovic Dubost


Creator of XWiki and CEO of XWiki SAS, Ludovic has been the gentle organizer of the XWiki SAS company for 17 years.

XWiki SAS, member of OW2, April, Euclidia, only building free & open-source software leads the development of the XWiki Software used by thousands of organizations and helps companies and organizations all over the world organize, share, and collaborate on content. XWiki SAS also leads the development of CryptPad (https://cryptpad.fr), the first end-to-end encrypted Collaboration Suite.

A graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (X90) and Telecom Paris (95), Ludovic Dubost started his career as a software architect for Netscape Communications Europe. He then joined NetValue as CTO, a company doing online usage analysis. He left NetValue after the company was purchased by Nielsen/NetRatings, before creating the XWiki Open Source software and launching XWiki SAS in 2004. Ludovic has been a speaker at various events including Paris Open Source Summit, FOSDEM, OW2 Conference, RMLL, Capitole du Libre, speaking about Collaboration Software, Financing FLOSS software and Privacy Solutions.

He also is a member of Systematic Paris Region Open Source Hub committee and the OpenFoodFacts board.




Alexander Sander

The EU is on its way to adopting legislation on artificial intelligence. Transparency plays a major role in this. But how exactly should this transparency be designed and what role does Free Software play? The talk will give an insight into the current state of the debate and what chances there are that provisions for Free Software will be included in the legislation.

Alexander Sander


Alexander has studied politics in Marburg and later has been an MEP Assistant in Brussels for three years and the General Manager of Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. in Berlin for four years. Furthermore he is the founder of NoPNR!, a campaign against the retention of travel data. He now works as Policy Consultant for the Free Software Foundation Europe.



🍽 lunch break




Floris van Geel, Gabriel Engel

What is Rocket.Chat? Rocket.Chat is a fully customizable communications platform for organizations with high standards of data protection. It enables real-time conversations between colleagues, with other companies or with your customers, regardless of how they connect with you.

Rocket.Chat has grown beyond team.chat, the chat, you most likely know as: Teams, Slack, Mattermost or similar communication tool, each has channels, threads and discussions. With this growth our team kept closely engaged with our Open Source Community. This community is the motor to grow and prosper together, allowing our engineering team to be on the edge of technology providing the finest integrated solutions together with community’ eyes and hands.

Conversations make us unique. They’re the very thing that makes humans, humans. They’re how we connect, bond, exchange information and work better together.

Unfortunately, the technology that was meant to bring us closer together, managed to set us apart. It focused on the benefit of a select few rather than that of each of us. It limited what we can and cannot do.

You’re allowed to talk. As long as everyone uses the same tool. As long as you’re ok completely waiving your rights to data privacy, security and ownership.

These are our conversations. It’s time to make things right. Time to focus on the better good. We’re meant to connect, bond and work together with whoever we need to - on our own terms.

It’s time to own our conversations. Just like it was always meant to be. Rocket.Chat

For about a year Omnichannel has been integrated with all chats, this is the way to communicate with almost every communication medium you can imagine like: Telegram, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, SMS, Email, and so on.

Recently Voip and the Matrix protocol were added to this mix allowing power users to seamlessly switch communication between all the contacts directly in their preferred device. Omnichannel is about removing friction for your customers, and allowing business to happen wherever your customer prefers to communicate, it has a Live Chat that can easy integrate in any web based application.

Let every conversation flow - without compromise Own your data, customize anything, integrate everything.

Customizations we call in.app.chat, the playground where lots of apps meet a robust realtime api and the new UIkit allows developers to do all this magic with the best interoperability and security you're already used to.

Some of the magic is summed up here:

  • Authentication: LDAP, Saml, oAuth2/OIDC
  • Voip and email connection (the old world)
  • Matrix WebRTC with federation (new deal technology)
  • Robust rest and realtime api that integrate with about anything -- Webhook integrations and bots that allow AI/NLP -- App engine that allows for full integration -- UIKit that allows UI extensions and new type of integrations and interactions -- Interoperability a must have these days -- Security.

Floris van Geel


Building communities

Gabriel Engel


to come




Laurent GUERIN

Anyone who has worked in software development knows that some parts of code are repetitive and boring to write. It is precisely to avoid this inconvenience that Telosys (OW2 project) was created.

During this talk you'll discover how simple it is to use this code generator and how it can save you a lot of work. Telosys is usable to generate any kind of language (with any framework).

A short demo will show how to generate a Python web application.

Laurent GUERIN


Senior Architect, Technical evangelist, Open Source supporter,
Part time professor ( University of Nantes ),
Creator of Telosys (code generator





Marco Cortella

KNOWAGE, the enterprise-level suite for analytics and business intelligence available on OW2 Marketplace, is constantly evolving to help end users to look more clearly into their data and support them in the decision making process in an increasingly intuitive way. KNOWAGE evolution in 2022 mainly focuses on: new data preparation module and data federation in self-service process, augmented analytics to support every end-user touch point and provide automatic insights, usability and performance for a new effective UI,  a core offering as SaaS ABI solution.

Marco Cortella


Marco Cortella is Data visualization Specialist and Business Intelligence Consultant for Engineering Group, one of the main worldwide players in the field of digital transformation. For over a decade, he contributed to the creation and the evolution of KNOWAGE, the open source business intelligence suite. Following his passion for data visualization projects and the latest tech, Marco played an active role in the FIWARE and OW2 open source European communities and collaborated with many universities and schools sharing his knowledge on data visualization and data analysis. Currently, he is Data Visualization lecturer at "Enrico Della Valle" IT & Management School in Rome. In Italy, Marco is involved in some initiatives for data transparency and openness, specifically in the current scenario of the fight against Covid-19.




Philippe Bareille

Lutece Core 7 was released last year by the City of Paris' dev team, offering new features and a cleaner and lighter code. All digital services can now benefit from it and from a larger and larger shelf filled with source code, new business packs packages arise to facilitate their adoption by the growing community and peers.

Philippe Bareille


Philippe Bareille is an Open Source Officer at the City of Paris. He has a 10-year experience as a Java software engineer and as an Open Source enthousiast, he spreads the word of FLOSS in the public sector, where public money should fund public code. As a Paris signature platform Lutece's advocate, he is in charge of external relationships regarding the framework.




Gilles Dubois

Since 2001, OCS Inventory has been looking to make hardware and software inventory of computers more efficient. The open-source software includes the package deployment feature, in order not to control, but to ensure uniformity of the software environments present on the network.

Gilles Dubois


Gilles Dubois work as head developer in FactorFX Company. As he used to say, he is an open-source enthusiast. He is a contributor of many open-source projects. With FactorFX team, Gilles Dubois brings pertinent evolutions to OCS Inventory.




Vincent Massol

Cover the progress and new features developed in XWiki since last year's OW2Con conference.

Vincent Massol





David Boucher

On May 1, 2021, the bintray server was closed. The dependencies of our open source softwares Centreon-Engine and Centreon-Broker were no longer accessible. Impossible to compile a new version. How to best manage dependencies to external projects in an open source product. Are there sustainable, risk-free solutions or is it only utopia?

David Boucher


As Centreon software tech lead, drawing from more than 15 years of engineering experience in the field, I manage technical projects for Centreon since August 2017, and am instrumental in adding strategic integration-ready functionalities within Centreon’s core solution. My expertise in C/C++ combined with a holistic knowledge in multiple Linux infrastructures allows me to successfully complete projects in monitoring and test driven development. I hold an MSc in Algorithmic Mathematics and have achieved the highest teaching degree in Mathematics. Being a lifetime learner, I obtained two years ago a data science certification with a focus on machine learning, text and graph mining which is a program offered by the Grouping of National Economics and Statistics Schools in France.




Ralph Soika

Imixs-Office-Workflow is a production ready easy to use Business Process Management Suite. It enables you to digitize and organize documents and business workflows in a fast, flexible and transparent way.

Ralph Soika


Ralph Soika is project lead in the open source project Imixs-Workflow and founder of the Imixs Software Solutions GmbH. He is consulting companies building custom business process management solutions and architectures. Ralph Soika develops BPM systems in the Jakarta EE environment and is a committer in the open source project Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler.




Clément Oudot

LemonLDAP::NG is a WebSSO, Access Management and Identity Federation free software. Years after years, new features are added to ease the integration with applications and improve the support of standards like OpenID Connect.

Clément Oudot


Identity Solutions Manager by Worteks, contributor on LemonLDAP::NG, LDAP Tool Box, LSC, FusionIAM.



🍵 Afternoon break




Christophe Maudoux, Gendarmerie Nationale

French Gendarmerie Nationale is a major LemonLDAP::NG contributor and an advanced user since 2004. More than 10 WebSSO instances have been deployed and migrated to LL::NG 2.0. Those platforms are declined into different flavours to afford specific services and meet particular needs. To achieve this, it requires advanced functionalities or features that have been implemented and appended to LemonLDAP::NG since the first 2.0 release in 2018. This presentation aims to describe and explain some of those advanced functionalities/features that can only be found in LemonLDAP::NG and nowhere else!

Christophe Maudoux, Gendarmerie Nationale


Christophe Maudoux graduated from Cnam Networks and Systems Engineering track in 2019, is Part-time Professor at Cnam and ESIEE Paris. Huge LemonLDAP::NG instances administrator at STSISI since 2016, he works on WebSSO engineering and Identity and Access Management (IAM). He is part of the OW2 WebSSO project LemonLDAP::NG core team as maintainer and advanced Perl programmer.

Since 2020, Christophe Maudoux has developed a research activity on security anomalies detection by means of machine learning algorithms at Cnam/Cedric Lab.




Grazia Cazzin

This speech aims to highlight the benefits and strengths of open source solutions for enterprises and public administrations willing to gain relevant insights from their data. Different use cases will be presented in which KNOWAGE, the open source suite for analytics and business intelligence, enabled effective data analysis helping to achieve data-driven decisions.

Grazia Cazzin


Grazia Cazzin is the offering manager for Data & Analytics competency center in the Research and Innovation Division of Engineering Group S.p.A.. She is the KNOWAGE Labs Director, the founder of the SpagoBI project and its historical project leader. Working in the IT field since 1992, she has been involved in enterprise application development, data modelling, data warehousing, dimensional analysis and business intelligence; she has gained valuable expertise working in several market sectors (industry, finance, public administration) and covering several thematic areas (ERP, MRP, MPS, Enterprise Portals, CRM, DWH and BI, Big Data, Analytics). She’s currently involved in all the activities concerning Big Data Analysis, as for SmartCity and Industry 4.0 scenarios.




Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Huawei, W3C

Trends in mobile app technologies

With estimations of over 230 billion mobile apps downloaded last year, a figure growing year by year, mobile apps are projected to generate more than 613 billion USD in revenues in 2025. This promising estimation will be supported by the upcoming development trends driven by cutting-edge technologies that enable new services and products for a demanding audience. The everlasting discussion about native, web, and hybrid technologies continues. More powerful devices, fastest communications, immersive technologies, and new architectural paradigms (the so-called, Web3) complement new choices in mobile development. Light apps for seamless user experiences, Progressive Web Applications for universal access, distributed applications for increased robustness are only some examples of the new possibilities today.

Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Huawei, W3C


Martin, Engineer in Computer Science, joined Huawei in September 2020, focusing on Web-related standards bodies like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and AIOTI. Martin has been involved in W3C since 2005 as W3C Spain Office Technical Manager, taking part in dozens of development projects early in his career, especially during the paradigm change towards mobile-first Web applications. He was involved in numerous W3C Working Groups, leading some Semantic Web activities and developing technical standards for interoperability for European governments. In 2009, Martin was appointed Manager at the W3C Spanish Chapter. Along with the W3C role, he has worked as a Web standards consultant, performing various projects for the European Commission as an advisor in interoperability, transparency, and accessibility.




Benoit Alessandroni

Everybody talks about Web3, but no one really knows what this word actually means. The certainty is that a big change is coming. Blockchains are an interesting technology, but how do we integrate them in our daily life applications? How do we deal with interoperability? Data ownership? New architectures?

With the examples of Verifiable Credentials, Distributed IDentity, Solid web standards and an opening on complementarity with Distributed Ledger technologies, we will present all the work we do on this matter at Startin'blox and the state-of-the-art technical trends beyond Web3.

Benoit Alessandroni


French software engineer, I have been working as a web-developer for the last 12 years and am the co-founder and the technical director of Startin'blox, a french cooperative whose ultimate goal is to build the WordPress of Web3 !




Ben Liu


Ben Liu


Ben Liu is the marketing manager of Huawei Quick App, has been devoting himself to promoting the product, during which the MAUs of Quick App have been increased to hundreds of millions.




Deleted User

OW2con'22 marks the 1 year anniversary of the OW2 Quick App Initiative. What is the initiative, why was it created, what's happened over the last year, how can you join the fun? Find out in this talk.

Deleted User





Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Huawei, W3C

Quick demo to code your first quick app.

Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Huawei, W3C


Martin, Engineer in Computer Science, joined Huawei in September 2020, focusing on Web-related standards bodies like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and AIOTI. Martin has been involved in W3C since 2005 as W3C Spain Office Technical Manager, taking part in dozens of development projects early in his career, especially during the paradigm change towards mobile-first Web applications. He was involved in numerous W3C Working Groups, leading some Semantic Web activities and developing technical standards for interoperability for European governments. In 2009, Martin was appointed Manager at the W3C Spanish Chapter. Along with the W3C role, he has worked as a Web standards consultant, performing various projects for the European Commission as an advisor in interoperability, transparency, and accessibility.




Deleted User, Sylvain Le Bon, Ilker Aydin, Thomas Steiner, Gaël Duval

The OW2 Quick App initiative round table

Deleted User


Sylvain Le Bon


Sylvain Le Bon is a telecommunication engineer and has been an entrepreneur for more than 10 years. He is the co-founder of Startin'blox, and an expert in interoperability of data on the web.

Ilker Aydin


Ilker Aydin is a serial entrepreneur and technology enthusiast that was born and raised in 1982 in Cologne, Germany. During his studies at the CBS International Business School Ilker founded the first gaming website in Turkey in 2004 (Kraloyun.com) and 2006 in Germany (Spielaffe.de). After a successful exit in 2014 he sold his company Kaisergames GmbH to Ströer and founded Famobi in 2014. Famobi is a financially independent game development studio that specialises in HTML5 game development. When Ilker is not deep diving into new technologies he is a world traveller, life coach, sports addict and passionate designer.

Thomas Steiner



Gaël Duval


Thursday, 09




Lucas Lasota

The number of devices on which users cannot run Free Software is exponentially increasing. The consequence is an increased loss of control over users’ technology.

Device neutrality is the policy concept that users should have the right of non- discrimination of the services and software they use, based on platform control by hardware vendors, manufacturers and service providers. It is a concept that involves the fair and non-discriminatory use of Free Software in devices. The talk will explain why Free Software is fundamental to implement Device Neutrality.

Lucas Lasota


As a legal counsel, Lucas has background in contract and technology Law. Prior to FSFE, Lucas had experience in Brazil and Russia with e-commerce, transfer of technology, telecommunications and arbitration. Over the years he got experience in the academic sector as well, achieving a Master and PhD in law. For him Free Software is a precondition for a safe, neutral and healthy digital environment.




Philippe Ombredanne

Free and open source license detection in source and binary code is still evolving at fast pace. License detection is essential to get licensing right in an automated way as we are consuming more and more FOSS code packages to build rich systems and applications.
This session will present the latest techniques.

Philippe Ombredanne


Philippe is the lead maintainer of ScanCode the industry leading FOSS software composition analysis and license scanning tool, creator of Package URL, co-founder of SPDX and ClearlyDefined. He is a long time FOSS contributor and mentor and co-founder and CTO of nexB Inc., makers of DejaCode.




Jean-René Poirier

IT transformation : moving applications to the cloud involves redesigning the architecture and making different choices for some components of the applications.

This is particularly true for Databases, and can lead to a lot of work and uncertainties.

This presentation is a return of experience of a particular use case that prepares & facilitates migration to the Cloud

Jean-René Poirier


After 20 years working for several companies (Capgemini, Atos, Scalian) and currently acting as a cloud database consultant at Orange Business Service in Professional Services team, I worked on several high stake projects and I like climbing and practicing capoeira.




Italo Vignoli

LibreOffice was announced in 2010 as a desktop productivity software for Windows, macOS and Linux. Since 2011, it has evolved from a single desktop product to a technology platform supporting applications for the desktop, the cloud and mobile. All products share the same engine, which provides superior consistency. The goal of the presentation is to present the different stages of this evolution.

Italo Vignoli


Italo Vignoli is a founding member of The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project, an Open Source Initiative (OSI) board member, and the Chairman Emeritus of Associazione LibreItalia. He co-leads LibreOffice marketing, PR and media relations, co-chairs the certification program, and is a spokesman for the project. He has contributed to several large migration projects to LibreOffice, and is a LibreOffice certified migrator and trainer. From 2004 to 2010 he has been involved in the OOo project.




Eric Jazédé

from opportunity study based on Orange France uses cases to industrialization and support of projects (training and video tuto) also a quick highlight of partners which helped us at specific moments on this project

Eric Jazédé


Eric Jazédé is Specialist in middleware technology & Product Owner RabbitMQ as well as various common infrastructure services at Orange France.




Artem Avdeev

Online collaborative work is growing in popularity today. Working remotely as a team also involves collaborating on documents. ONLYOFFICE Docs offers an online editor for text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms. To enable document editing within a collaborative platform, ONLYOFFICE provides integration capabilities using ready-to-use connectors and APIs. In this presentation, we will talk about the possibilities of integration allowing file creation and collaboration in any document workflow: · Two approaches of integrating ONLYOFFICE Docs into sync&share environments: API and WOPI; · Limitations of WOPI and ways to overcome or adapt to them; · ONLYOFFICE Docs integration using WOPI: ownCloud Infinite Scale, SharePoint, OpenKM, and Filecloud; · WOPI integration structure and what it means to third-party ONLYOFFICE integrators; · Recent updates in the functionality of ONLYOFFICE Docs available for integrated solutions;

  • Integration with ONLYOFFICE desktop and mobile apps · Roadmap for future development and integrations.

Artem Avdeev


Senior account manager




John Mercouris

In this presentation we talk about why we use Lisp, and what it has done for us as a small open source organization. We talk about the power of the REPL, the power of SEXP, and more.

John Mercouris


Hi, my name is John Mercouris. I'm a Computer Scientist with a passion for developing high quality human interfaces. The projects and research I work on center around the idea that we can make interactions with our programs beautiful, and logically beautiful.



☕ Morning break




Donghui Chen

Systems (e.g., Hadoop, Mysql, Hive) contain a vast number of configuration parameters that control the performance of the system. However, it is a challenging task to tune the parameters, as there are more than hundreds of parameters and the best parameters are different for different workloads. To solve this problems, we design an AI-based automatic parameter tuning system (named A-Tune). The experimental results show that the performance of mysql improves 30%-40%.

Donghui Chen


Donghui Chen received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2021. He is a senior software engineer at Huawei, China. His research interests include time-series analysis and AI for system.




Antoine Mottier

Nowadays a lot of tools exist to ease dependency management helping you to keep your dependencies up to date and secure. But most of those tools lack accuracy leading to noise for development team. This session will present a demonstration of FASTEN tool that demonstrate how the combination of several data sources and call graph can lead to a more accurate dependency management assistant.

Antoine Mottier


Antoine jobs has always been related to software. Starting with embedded software development, quickly moving to server side software in the Java ecosystem, then shifting to consulting and training, moving on with community management for Bonitasoft, an open source company and finally leading a technical team by becoming OW2 CTO. The common theme about all those experiences is probably the love for technology, but also a deep interest in sharing the knowledge. And Open Source is a key factor here that allow to learn and collaborate with many people each of them having a unique background.




Radosław Piliszek

More and more organizations are picking up the DevOps practices and controlling their infrastructure using code - following the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles. However, every code, including IaC, needs testing, otherwise stakeholders risk security issues with everything that comes along. To this end, the European Union's Horizon 2020 project - PIACERE - is proposing DevSecOps methodology focusing on security and extensive testing. In this talk, I focus on the dynamic testing approaches marketed as the PIACERE Canary Sandbox Environment (CSE). The CSE extends open source software, contributing back to the ecosystem, and allows to test the IaC in a controlled environment.

Radosław Piliszek


Radek is currently employed by 7bulls.com as an IT systems architect. He holds a master's degree in computer science, specialization: internet and mobile technologies. He is a longtime administrator of budget-, enterprise- and HPC-class computer systems and networks, with particular emphasis on virtualization and containerization technologies (QEMU, KVM, Docker, LXC, containerd, podman, CRI-O) and cloud technologies (OpenStack, Kubernetes). Radek is also an experienced Python and Node.js programmer. He is responsible for projects of IT systems and integrations between them. Certification-wise, he is a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE), Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation, Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA), and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), Security Specialist (CKS) and Application Developer (CKAD).

He is an active contributor in open source projects, including OpenStack, holding the position of core reviewer in various OpenStack projects, primarily related to deployment (Kolla, Kolla-Ansible). He also served as a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee (TC) for a year where he held the position of vice-chair.

In his scientific career, he has an open doctoral dissertation, in which he deals with the issue of feature selection using a method based on a measure rooted in the information theory and novel clustering algorithms. Previously, he worked on formal languages and general machine learning.

In his free time, Radek loves to develop his IT knowledge as well as learn foreign languages with preference for Romance languages. He is also a volunteer for a charity which helps kids grow more self-confident where he recruits and trains new candidates and oversees the tutoring process in his team.





Alessandra Bagnato, Paweł Skrzypek

The talk will describe the MORPHEMIC open source components and the MORPHEMIC implementation  integrated as a pre-processor for the existing MELODIC platform extending its deployment and adaptation capabilities beyond the multicloud and cross-cloud to the edge, 5G, and fog. The talk will then detail the  open source strategy for the exploitation of the project results.

Alessandra Bagnato


Dr. Alessandra Bagnato is a research scientist and the Recherche Responsible in Softeam Software (Docaposte Group). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from TELECOM SudParis and Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Genoa, Italy. At Softeam, she leads the Softeam Software Modelio team research activities around innovative model-driven engineering methods in Modelio workbench in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud and Big Data (like H2020 MORPHEMIC, ECSEL AIDO@Rt, H2020 Databio, H2020 CPSwarm, H2020 QRapids, H2020 CROSSMINER), GDPR and Privacy (H2020 PoSeID-on, ANR UPCARE) and on measuring software engineering (ITEA 3 MEASURE).

Paweł Skrzypek


Paweł Skrzypek is a highly experienced architect of ICT systems, with extensive knowledge of machine learning and Big Data solutions. Chief Multi Cloud Architect, working on MELODIC project and other Cloud Computing projects, focusing on multi cloud and serverless approach.




Smail Niar, Isabelle De Sutter

Horizon Europe is an ambitious EU research & innovation framework programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies. Pillar II is dedicated to 'Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. It is established through clusters of research and innovation activities, to maximise integration, and synergies across the thematic areas, while securing high and sustainable levels of impact for the Union on resources expended. How to benefit from this huge European funding resource for R&D? Better understand the Horizon Europe program mechanisms and guidelines. In addition, to help you with a future Horizon Europe call, the digital national contact points (NCP) team is introduced.

Smail Niar


Pr. Smail Niar, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF) CNRS and MESRI, France, received his PhD in computer Engineering from the University of Lille (France) in 1990. Since then, he has been professor at UPHF where he is director of the computer science department at the “Laboratory of Automation, Mechanical and Computer Engineering”, a joint research unit between CNRS and UPHF. He is member of the European Network of Excellence Hipeac, EuroMicro society and IEEE senior. His research interests are AI/ML-based embedded systems and edge computing. Since 2021, and in parallel with his research activities, he is NCP for Horizon Europe Calls in Cluster 4 -Digital at the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, France (MESRI).

Isabelle De Sutter


Isabelle de Sutter (F) is a Senior Adviser working as national contact points (NCP) within Digital and Space at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. (MESRI) Isabelle is NCP lead for the largest European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital and Space. She has degrees in European Marketing Sciences, Master in Business Administration (MBA) Since 2009, She has worked at SYSTEMATIC Paris-Region as the head of European Affairs helping companies, academia and research institutes to apply for funding/grants in European calls for tenders/proposals. She has led the implementation and development of the European strategy for the French deep tech cluster SYSTEMATIC. Isabelle has been “Intuitu personæ” involved in two French national contact points (NCP) under the European frame programme Horizon 2020 programme: Secure Societies and ICT. Before that, Isabelle spent over 20 years of experience working in business development and as a freelance European consultant. She has demonstrated skills in project management, providing support to SMEs and start-ups in their international development.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabelled/)))



🍽 Lunch break




Justin Colannino

Microsoft recently underwent a transformation in its relationship with open source. To keep up with this transformation, its polices, procedures, and tools needed to grow exponentially. In this talk, Justin will walk through the organizational, legal, and cultural changes that enabled Microsoft to create reliable and predictable open source engagement at scale.

Justin Colannino


Justin Colannino has more than a decade of experience representing clients at the intersection of free & open source software communities and for-profit enterprises. As an Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft, he is part of a small team that oversees legal processes to enable responsible open source engagement at massive scale. As Senior Director at GitHub, he works advocating for public policies that enable developer innovation and collaboration across open source software ecosystems.

Mr. Colannino maintains an active pro bono practice for free & open source software communities. He currently serves on the board of the Open Source Initiative and provides ongoing legal counsel to Outreachy, a project that provides paid internships supporting diversity in open source.




Dr. Wolfgang Gehring

Fully embracing Open Source Software means to go beyond simply using it – it means to become an active member of the Open Source community. But how do we get there as a big automotive company? At Mercedes-Benz, we decided that if we are going to take Open Source seriously, this needs to become deeply ingrained in the company’s “DNA”, away from a strict “we develop our own code” attitude.

This is why we created the Mercedes-Benz FOSS Manifesto. It is a set of guidelines and core values which sends our employees on their Open Source mission, knowing well that they are fully supported by the company. It is now a key pillar in how we become part of the Open Source movement, and – in the spirit of Open Source – we would like to share it with you.

In this talk, I will present our Mercedes-Benz FOSS Manifesto and the therein contained principles. Attendees will learn how these principles can modernize and transform an IT organization to drive forward a cultural change towards Open Source which will profoundly impact the way in which software is developed at corporate level.

Dr. Wolfgang Gehring


Inspired by the Inner Source movement more than five years ago, Dr. Wolfgang Gehring turned into an ambassador for Inner and Open Source and has been working on enabling and spreading the idea within the Mercedes-Benz AG and its IT-subsidiary Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation. A software engineer by trade, Wolfgang’s goal is to enable Mercedes-Benz to fully embrace FOSS and become a true Open Source company.

In his free time, Wolfgang likes to engage in conversations about soccer and is a passionate traveler and scuba diver. He calls Albert Einstein’s birth city of Ulm his home in Southern Germany




Mike Nolan

Open source is eating the world and academic institutions cannot escape from that. With several American universities joining the ever growing list of institutions explicitly promoting open source through offices dedicated to fostering Open Work, we will share some initial experiences, lessons learned, and some insights into where we think open source in academia is headed. In this short talk, we will tell a story about how “Open” in academia goes far beyond source code, and the way faculty create, distribute, and collaborate on their work varies greatly. This talk will only cover the tip of the iceberg of Open Work in academia but will provide attendees an introduction to this great world that we are discovering ourselves.

Mike Nolan


Mike Nolan a software engineer and open source community strategy consultant currently helping run Open@RIT as the Assistant Director. I also act as the director for the Federation of Humanitarian Technologists.

With work experience stemming from tech companies such as Amazon and GIPHY to large humanitarian organizations such as the International Rescue Committee and UNICEF, I seek to develop better ways to create technology that benefits humanity.




Christophe Jelen, Justin Colannino, Gilles Viton, Philippe Bareille, Boris Baldassari

As the software engineering field gets more mature, properly managing open source software and culture within organisations has become more important and needed than ever. In this context, the Good Governance Initiative offers a much-needed set of actionnable guidelines to hep frame, build and develop OSPOs within any type of organisation.

During this roundtable, we will discuss OSPOs, their role and duties, and share experience and best practices with our panelists.

Christophe Jelen


Justin Colannino


Justin Colannino has more than a decade of experience representing clients at the intersection of free & open source software communities and for-profit enterprises. As an Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft, he is part of a small team that oversees legal processes to enable responsible open source engagement at massive scale. As Senior Director at GitHub, he works advocating for public policies that enable developer innovation and collaboration across open source software ecosystems.

Mr. Colannino maintains an active pro bono practice for free & open source software communities. He currently serves on the board of the Open Source Initiative and provides ongoing legal counsel to Outreachy, a project that provides paid internships supporting diversity in open source.

Gilles Viton


Head of Community open source program at Orange France

My background : Architect specialist of telco IS and BI during 15 years, and Software Asset Manager at Orange France for 6 years. I became head of the Community Open Source Program at Orange France since 2017 where I developed a financial engineering to facilitate partnerships with the open source ecosystem. I am convinced that sharing knowledge on how to deploy Open Source in industry is a central point to facilitate its ecosystem sustainability for industrial purposes. To encourage this, I am involved in the open source ecosystem in TOSIT as Vice President and in OW2 board as the representative of Orange. I also initiate a lot of sharing experiences with other affiliates within Orange Group.

Philippe Bareille


Philippe Bareille is an Open Source Officer at the City of Paris. He has a 10-year experience as a Java software engineer and as an Open Source enthousiast, he spreads the word of FLOSS in the public sector, where public money should fund public code. As a Paris signature platform Lutece's advocate, he is in charge of external relationships regarding the framework.

Boris Baldassari


Boris Baldassari is an expert in open source and software development methods and tools, with 18+ years of experience working on complex development processes for small and large companies.
He notably worked for Telelogic and IBM, servicing the industry in the bank, insurance, automotive and aeronautics domains. Boris joined the SequeL research team at the Université Lille 3 in 2011 to work on a research project about "mining software engineering data for useful knowledge", and obtained his Ph.D. in 2014.
He founded and led Castalia Solutions to help companies better understand their data and improve their development processes, and now works for the Eclipse Foundation as a specialist in open source, AI and cloud technologies.