Videos and Slides

OW2con'16 Conference Opening Address by OW2 President and CEO,
Yuri Glickman, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Cedric Thomas, OW2

Settying the stage for OW2con'16, OW2 President Yuri Glickman will provide a quick overview of OW2 and OW2 CEO Cedric Thomas will share his thouhgts on this year's conference theme in his keynote address: "Lessons from the Open Source Value Chain".

KEYNOTE The Linux Foundation's CII Badge Program , David A. Wheeler, Institute for Defense Analyses

Introduction to the CII Badge Programe. The Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) Best Practices Badge is an open source secure development maturity model. Projects having a CII badge will showcase the project's commitment to security. Open source project maintainers answer a short questionnaire to be awarded a "Best Practices Badge".

KEYNOTE Kubernetes: the Rising Tide of Systems Administration, Craig Box, Google

Kubernetes, the rising tide of systems administration Containers and cloud have moved from "why" to "how and when?" Learn how Google is helping the world go Cloud Native.

Panel: Code to Product 

Experienced software and community practitionners will discuss the challenges of developing and supporting a market-ready open source software.

European Open Data Portal and Policy Compass: from national Open Data repositories to European scale , Yury Glikman, Fraunhofer FOKUS


DocDokuPLM : Domain Specific PaaS and Business Oriented API, Morgan Guimard, DocDoku


Automating performance testing over the cloud with CLIF and ProActive Workflows, Brian Amedro, Denis Caromel, Bruno Dillenseger , ActiveEon, Orange


Industrializing the Creation of Machine Images and Docker Containers for Cloud Environments, Joris  Bremond , UShareSoft 


ActiveEon’s OW2 ProActive accelerates, automates and scales Metagenomics analytics as well as IoT treatments , Denis Caromel, ActiveEon


Turn any (legacy) application into a SaaS solution without any code rewrite!, Cedric CARBONE, Nanocloud

In this session, you will see how to transform a legacy (heavy/rich client) windows application like Open Office into a full SaaS solution thanks OW2 Nanocloud Community platform. Nanocloud Community enable new uses and business models by pushing software vendor application portfolio into the cloud without any code rewrite. You can run and access them from anywhere, directly from your preferred browser.

Extensible and Standard-based XaaS Platform To Manage Everything in The Clouds, Marc Dutoo, Openwide


erocci - A Scalable Model-Driven API Framework, Jean Parpaillon, KBRW Adventure


Software Heritage: Building the Universal Software Archive, Stefano Zacchiroli, Software Heritage


What's new in AppHub, the European Open Source Marketplace, Alexandre Lefebvre (UShareSoft) and Stéphane Laurière, OW2 CTO


Improving software quality and devop automation with STAMP , Benoit Baudry, INRIA


Measure It! How to measure quality in (not only) large software projects, Daniele Gagliardi, Engineering Group


Preparing your source code for distribution, Nuno Brito, TripleCheck


Dependency management and licence compliance, Camille Moulin, Inno³


From Code to Product  to Startup “The challenges for building successful business model with open source code”, Roger Essoh, SAAKAI Inc - SAAKAI Pte Ltd


Open Source Software Editor without raising capital: can it be done and how?, Ludovic Dubost, XWiki SAS


Boosted Framework for Web Accessible and Responsive Websites, Loïc Laussel, Orange


AcceDe Web, a Guide for Accessibility Web Projects, David Monnoehay, Atalan


Main Actions to improve Accessibility in Open Source Projects, Armony Altinier, Koena


Automatizing SpagoBI, Davide Zerbetto, SpagoBI by Engineering Group


CHOReVOLUTION project to facilitate cross-organization service integration, Sébastien  Keller, Thales


SeedStack - the lean development stack, Marius Matei, PSA Group


Why no one loves me? Using BI techniques to make my business more attractive, Alberto Ghedin, SpagoBI by Engineering Group


LUTECE, the City of Paris CMS and Development Platform, Jon Harper, City of Paris

Lutece became an OW2 project two years ago. It recently became a mature project. This java framework is used to build applications totaling more than 2 million lines of code. It features a powerful and expressive plugin system. More than 400 plugins have been developed. This presentation will explain how we manage all these components.

Beyong OW2 : Open Source School, Jennifer Châtelet, Smile - Open Source School


Monitoring File transfert (MFT) WAARP R66, CARLIN BRUNO, WAARP


BlueMind : next gen mail and collaboration solution, Pierre CARLIER, BlueMind


VideoLabs: business around VLC, Jean-Baptiste Kempf, VideoLabs

VideoLabs is a service company around the technologies of VLC and VideoLAN.

This presentation will detail the story about VideoLabs, the subjects we are working on and the services we deliver.

Wakanda: the Open Soure platform to develop Apps, Samir Salibi, Wakanda


OW2 Technology Council Update and Outlook, Daniele Gagliardi, Software Engineer, Engineering Group and  Stéphane Lauriere, CTO, OW2


The Open Source at the hearth of the Cyber Security innovation, Mathieu Poujol, PAC


IDMEF, the universal format for security alerts, Thomas ANDREJAK, Communication & Systèmes


One year solving infrastructure management with FusionDirectory and OpenLDAP, Benoit Mortier, OpenSides


AuthzForce - Open Source Next-gen Access Control Framework for the Enterprise, Romain FERRARI, Thales Services


The Zero Knowledge Economy, Aaron MacSween, XWiki SAS


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